Driving Minuut's: School of the road

In this new series we take a look at those who have dedicated their life's work to helping facilitate our commutes to work , making our weekend getaways a possibility, setting the stage for awkward adolescent interactions and killing midnight munchies dead with a trip to the fast food drive through. That' right the unsung heroes of the road. Driving instructors! Join us as we follow the daily in's and out's of life at this local driving school.

In this new series we take a look at those who have dedicated their life's work to helping facilitate our commutes to work , making our weekend getaways a possibility, setting the stage for awkward adolescent interactions and killing midnight munchies dead with a trip to the fast food drive through. That' right the unsung heroes of the road. Driving instructors! 

Join us as we follow the daily in's and out's of life at this local driving school.

Driving Minuut's: School of the road
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